United States Cybersecurity Magazine


ElsaGate: The Problem With Algorithms


Caleb Townsend, Staff Writer, United States Cybersecurity Magazine

Elsagate concept, kids on IPads looking shocked and confused

Social Engineering can take many forms. Sometimes it’s a phone call attempting to extrapolate your mother’s maiden name. Other times it is an email attempting to gain rapport and get you to click on a sketchy link.  However, sometimes you get something much more bizarre. Something like Elsagate. In 2017, many news sources started reporting … Read more

Malicious Apps: For Play or Prey?


Josh Henry, ,

Malicious Apps, hand holding phone with a warning sign on it, red background

Malicious Apps Today’s society is adapting to excessive use of cell phones and personal data stored in them. Federal laws have been changed to protect citizens from police authorities rummaging through our cell phones without the proper documentation. Considering that criminals have much less trouble adapting than lawmakers, they are usually one step ahead and … Read more

Card Skimmers: What are you Sliding Yourself Into?


Josh Henry, ,

Hand typing in ATM passcode on notepad while covering the keys for privacy, abstract for Card Skimmer

What are Card Skimmers? Mechanisms referred to as “card skimmers” have been a major threat to data security in recent years. These devices enable thieves to withdraw information from the magnetic strip of your card when its casually used at an ATM or store. As the trend grows, the devices become more sophisticated.  Banks, law … Read more

Dark Web: Unpacking the Notoriety


Caleb Townsend, Staff Writer, United States Cybersecurity Magazine

Dark Web Silk Road anonymous marketplace drugs index

If you are internet savvy, or into Creepypastas, you absolutely have heard of the dark web. What started out as a little trivia fact (did you know 99% of the internet is The Deep Web?!) has morphed into something else entirely. The Legend of the Dark Web Because the dark web is non-indexable, Google can … Read more

Password Safety: A Comprehensive Guide to Choosing a Good Password


Caleb Townsend, Staff Writer, United States Cybersecurity Magazine

Password guesses on a notepad. First two are bad passwords and the third one is a more complex password.

Password security is the most basic and ubiquitous form of cybersecurity. Every single account created online has a password attached to it. They predate the internet by hundreds of years and to this day, they remain the most reliable form of user authentication. So why does everybody choose such terrible passwords? What Makes a Password … Read more

Insider Threats – 2018 Statistics


Zehra Ali, ,

Evil man typing on computer, Insider Threats, cyber criminal.

Insider Threat (Fundamentals) As discussed, the insider threats are not always bred out of malicious nature. In fact, many insider threats exist due to the unintended or accidental happenings. More than 51% of companies are concerned about the unintentional insider attack. However, 49% of the companies are still worried about malicious insider, which do exist and are … Read more