United States Cybersecurity Magazine


The Rise of Cyber-Attacks in the Automotive Industry


Rina Richell, SEO Analytics Manager,

Cyber-Attacks in the Automotive Industry

Losses to the tune of billions are experienced due to the rise of cyber-attacks in the automotive industry, and they are becoming progressively worse as more auto manufacturers join the autonomy space. Industry experts argue that autonomy is the future of the automotive industry, mainly because driverless cars are safer, more comfortable, and more convenient … Read more

Addressing the Gender Diversity Challenge in Cybersecurity


Lauren Abshire, Director of Content Strategy, United States Cybersecurity Magazine

Address the Gender Diversity Challenge in Cybersecurity - Hire Female Veterans

The global cybersecurity market is expected to grow to $248.26 billion by 2023. The continued growth of cyberthreats creates a robust cybersecurity labor market, and there are over 520,000 unfilled positions in the United States alone. Cybersecurity is a promising career path; however, as is frequently discussed, it lacks gender diversity. Herein lays the question: … Read more

Cybersecurity Facts and Stats


Lauren Abshire, Director of Content Strategy, United States Cybersecurity Magazine

Cybersecurity Facts and Stats - Reasons Why You Should Join the Cybersecurity Industry

Cybersecurity is more than a person behind a screen or hackers in hoodies. Cybersecurity is one of the fastest growing career fields and for good reason: cybersecurity is a universal need. Cybersecurity encompasses everything relating to our data and the protection thereof. Let’s look at some cybersecurity facts and stats and reasons why you should … Read more



Lauren Abshire, Director of Content Strategy, United States Cybersecurity Magazine

Hackers, White Hat, Black Hat, Red Hat, Gray Hat, Hacktivists and Script Kiddies

White Hat, Black Hat, Gray Hat, Hacktivists, we hear all of these names, but what is hacking and who are they? What are the different types of hackers? Why hack? The media has used this term since the 1990’s and it can be traced back further to the late 1980’s. Hacking is the act of … Read more

How Natural Disasters Affect Cybersecurity


Frankie Wallace, ,

Cybersecurity and Natural Disasters

When some management teams think about cybersecurity, often they only concern themselves with proper passwords and the awareness of viruses, not the hacker.  However, to truly protect your business, you need to think about the hackers and what they really are: agents of havoc. They want to trick you with scams and smoke and mirrors, … Read more

Credentials: Check and Protect


Alex Haynes, CISO , IBS Software

Protect Credentials from Breaches

Today, breaches continue unabated at the same alarming rate to which we have grown accustomed. More than 36 billion records were exposed in 2020 alone and that’s only counting those we know about. The real figure will rise far higher. The rate of these data leaks is so frequent that it is hard to track … Read more

Bad Networking: What is a Botnet?


Patrick Putman, ,

Botnet Bot Herder

What is a Botnet? There are countless threats to computer security. Many of these threats are nothing more than good technologies used for bad reasons. One example of this is a botnet. Short for “Robot Network,” it is a group of connected computers controlled by software. This software is then used to perform a specific … Read more

Proving a Negative


James Everett Lee, Chief Operating Officer, The Identity Theft Resource Center

KBA and Data Breaches

Proving there is a “you” has never been easier; proving you are the only you, not so much. We learned in math class in high school that you cannot prove a negative. Or to be more precise, we learned that you cannot solve a negative proof. As a result, in math and logic, we spend … Read more

Addressing the Rapidly Growing Threat of Wire Fraud


Matt Lindley, COO, CISO, NINJIO

Wire Fraud

Most cyber-attacks are intended to steal sensitive and personal information, which can later be used to breach accounts, hijack a victim’s identity, or steal money. However, some cybercriminals opt for a more direct form of theft, they send fraudulent requests that ask victims to complete a wire transaction and send money straight to them. This … Read more

How to Protect Yourself and Your Data from Privacy Invasion Both On and Offline


James Keenan, Automation and Anonymity Evangelist, Smartproxy

Protect Yourself and Your Data from Privacy Invasion Both On and Offline

American author Joseph Heller once said that “You’re not paranoid if they’re really after you” add to this “and they are using technology to do so” and then you will have today’s reality. Protecting yourself from Big Brother is becoming increasingly necessary as governments become more invasive and smarter in their use of technology. This is … Read more