Warrior: A man (or woman) engaged or experienced in warfare; broadly: a person engaged in some struggle or conflict.1
There are many challenges in building and developing a cyber army, from the senior leadership to the technical workforce. The term “Cyber Warrior” is being used by the media and throughout the Department of Defense to indicate a precious human commodity that we as a nation desperately need to develop by the thousands in a short period of time. Due to the time required to produce mission-effective Cyber Warriors, today’s pipeline cannot meet current – much less . . .
From the Summer 2015 Issue
Developing the Cybersecurity Workforce
America’s Cyber Warriors: Appropriate Training at the Forefront
Paul de Souza
CSFI-CWD (Cyber Warfare Division) Founder Director | Military Cyber Professionals Association (MCPA)
Professor William Butler
Cyber Security Program Chair | Capitol Technology University

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