Almost everybody thinks, or would like to think, that the systems that power our society are secure. That would be a seriously incorrect assumption. The fact is that America’s electronic infrastructure is riddled with the type of vulnerabilities that have allowed computer crime to officially surpass the drug trade in the past decade. To illustrate the problem, according to the non-profit Privacy Rights Clearinghouse we have lost about one BILLION records over the past 10 years. Keep in mind that those figures only include breaches that were REPORTED. Since most companies don’t like to publicize their security . . .
From the Winter 2015 Issue
Protecting Your Data
Seeing the Entire Elephant: Or,You’re Not Secure if You’re Not Completely Secure
Anne Kohnke
Assistant Professor of IT | Lawrence Technological University
Dan Shoemaker
Professor - Center for Cyber Security | University of Detroit Mercy

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