Application Security Should Be A Badge Of Honor, Not A Wall Of Shame
Fixing Vulnerabilities at Speed—How Engineering and Security Can Achieve True DevSecOps
Addressing the Challenges of Securing Hybrid Cloud Access: What You Need to Know
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Threat Intelligence Basics to Prevent Cyberattacks
Cybersecurity threats doubled due to the COVID-19 lockdown, with hackers targeting home-based businesses that have weaker security as a result of new security measures. With that in mind, protecting your organization from such attacks is essential. One
Data Privacy & Google: What Are the Security Risks?
Google’s bumpy history with privacy and security is long and well-documented. Back in 2009, the company attempted to make structural changes to battle critics and ultimately save face. The 2009 privacy summit reassured both Google
Best Security Software and Applications For iPhones and iPads
When you are working with iPhones and iPads, security is one of the biggest concerns. For many people, it is their number one priority. Gadgets like smartphones and tablets are intensively personal devices that can
Intelligent Connectivity: The Pillar of 5G, IoT, and AI
2025, a year where Americans will have 260 million 5G connections! Welcome to the era of intelligent connectivity. “Intelligent Connectivity: How the Combination of 5G, AI and IoT Is Set to Change the Americas,” a
How to Market Your Brand in a Cyber-Secure Way
You have many options when it comes to marketing your business. However, one of the most popular methods is via social media. After all, 45% of the world currently uses social media. Therefore, if you
How Much Cell Phone Data Privacy Should We Expect?
According to the Pew Research Center, more than 96% of Americans own a cell phone. Among people ages 18 to 49, the number rises to 99%, with almost as many in this age group having
Teaching Cybersecurity to Kids
As people who grew up without cell phones, tablets, and computers, today’s parents have — at least generally speaking — learned to be skeptical of technology. We understand that there was a world before it,
Logic Bombs: How to Prevent Them
A logic bomb is a piece of malicious code that hackers insert into a software or operating system. This code lies dormant until a specific condition occurs. These conditions could be a pre-determined time (often