Application Security Should Be A Badge Of Honor, Not A Wall Of Shame
Fixing Vulnerabilities at Speed—How Engineering and Security Can Achieve True DevSecOps
Addressing the Challenges of Securing Hybrid Cloud Access: What You Need to Know
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Lessons Learned From Data Breaches Past
Information is one of the most valuable currencies there is. Whether it is sensitive corporate information or sets of individuals’ personal information, there are people out there who are interested in seeing it — legally
Fingerprint Scanners: How Do They Work?
We are under the attack of many assailants. Malicious actors can harm us in so many ways that we cannot even fathom it. The most common tactic they use is by stealing someone’s identification and
Machine Learning Chips Will Revolutionize the Computing Industry
As a sub-set of Artificial Intelligence, machine learning is perfectly designed to execute tasks related to AI. Companies looking to maximize profits have already embraced the technology. This will empower them to pave way for
Social Media Platforms are Vulnerable to Hackers
Did you know that security concerns are turning people away from social media platforms? They are aware that hackers are obtaining users’ personal data through the most commonly visited media sites. If you are on
Why You Should Destroy Your Old Cell Phone
Today, just about everyone has a cell phone, with expanded mobile options that have heavily influenced culture in countless ways, from fashion to software development. Moreover, it is common to get a new cell phone
The Sensor Industry: Growth and Transformation Through Innovation
Innovation is the name of the game when it comes to sensors technology. Different types of sensors are in development for various applications. A lot of ongoing research and development activities have made things possible
IoT Security Connects Your Business with Cloud Security
We all know the importance of securing your information. Additionally, we all have heard a slew of security breach horror stories. If you are a business owner with concerns about the security of your business,
Tips to Speed up Your Internet
There is nothing more frustrating than sitting on your computer with two programs open as you watch the Spinning Wheel of Death oscillate. We all get irritated when the internet speed is slow. But instead