Application Security Should Be A Badge Of Honor, Not A Wall Of Shame
Fixing Vulnerabilities at Speed—How Engineering and Security Can Achieve True DevSecOps
Addressing the Challenges of Securing Hybrid Cloud Access: What You Need to Know
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AI Chip Technology
Intense Race Between Tech Giants Fuels the Growth of The Ai Chip Technology Being the most disruptive technology of our time, artificial intelligence (AI) has made its way into our day-to-day activities. From robotics to
Eye Tracking: Recent Developments in the Industry
Understanding the cognitive processes and emotions that affect consumer behavior requires more data for marketers and sellers. This is where eye tracking technology comes to use. It is a great tool that analyzes the way
Problems With Anti-Virus Software and Alternative Solutions
Anti-Virus software is the layman’s solution to cybersecurity. Functioning as a first line of defense, Anti-Virus software works to prevent, detect, and remove malware from your computer. However, Anti-Virus software is not a cure all
How Mom-and-Pop Businesses Can Improve Their Cybersecurity
Cyber-crime is more prevalent than ever. Often, cyber-crime is associated with bigger players in the market. However, any small business or mom-and-pop shop could one day be the target of a cyber-attack. In fact, small
How to Set up Two-Step Verification on Your Social Media Accounts
One of the most remarkable developments in the consumer technology industry in the past two decades is the emergence of social media networks. Social media has revolutionized the sort of social connections and interactions we
What is the Difference Between Artificial Intelligence, Deep Learning, and Machine Learning?
Artificial Intelligence has become one of the most overused buzzwords in the cybersecurity field. Cybersecurity buzzwords gain more traction as the world of cybersecurity becomes more omnipresent in our cultural consciousness. Events like the Marriott
A Cybersecurity Drought Is Coming
Yes, there is a cybersecurity drought looming over the horizon. The data coming in is alarming; according to Cybersecurity Ventures, by 2020 there could be a shortage of cybersecurity experts by up to 1.5 million,
A Weak VPN Could Be More Destructive Than No VPN
In the present era, an individual’s privacy solely depends on internet security. Your banking details, your pictures, and other sensitive information are available on different channels such as social media accounts, websites, and other online