Application Security Should Be A Badge Of Honor, Not A Wall Of Shame
Fixing Vulnerabilities at Speed—How Engineering and Security Can Achieve True DevSecOps
Addressing the Challenges of Securing Hybrid Cloud Access: What You Need to Know
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What is Open Source Intelligence?
There are two methods of data collection and information gathering used in military observation. Covert gathering refers to the use of clandestine, or secret data sources. As a result, covert methods are often illegal due
Cyber Attacks: 5 Ways to Protect Your Business
In today’s digital based society, everyone must take measures to safeguard their data. Every week in the news, large corporations are hit with major cyber attacks. You may wonder how you can keep ahead of
How to Recover a Hacked Website
A hacked website is not notable news; it has become an almost common thing. So, what to do if you have a hacked website? How can you work on recovering things and bouncing back? Well, it
How To Strengthen Web Security with VPN
How To Strengthen Web Security with VPN A web site’s security is of prime significance for the site owner as well as the site visitors. Ensuring that the website faces no security threats at all
Pretexting: The Art of Impersonation
What is Pretexting Pretexting is a social engineering tactic that uses deception and false motives. Simply put, pretexting crafts fictional situations to obtain personal, sensitive, or privileged information. Pretexting often involves researching the target prior
Microsegmentation and a Zero-Trust Network
We are currently in an unfortunate situation where universally, every business model predicates itself around connectivity. In fact, to be on the edge of innovation is to connect, to everything, before anyone else connects. With
Cyberstalkers: Tools, Tactics and Threats
Everyone knows what a stalker is. And unfortunately, many have experienced one first-hand. But now that we are living in the digital age, it has been taken to a new level. These days, cyberstalkers reside
What are the Best Computer Forensic Analysis Tools?
6 Best Computer Forensic Analysis Tools Computer forensics is of much relevance in today’s world. Though forensic analysis refers to searching and analyzing information to aid the process of finding evidence for a trial, computer