United States Cybersecurity Magazine

From the Fall 2021 Issue
From the Spring 2021 Issue
From the Summer 2021 Issue

Virginia Tech


Virginia Tech

Virginia Tech’s 100% online Master of Information Technology program has been ranked the No. 1 online graduate degree for cybersecurity nationwide in the 2019 rankings list from CyberDegrees.org, a Washington D.C. -based company.

From the Spring 2021 Issue

From the Publisher


Karen Austin, CEO, United States Cybersecurity Magazine

Greetings, Welcome to the Spring 2021 issue of the United States Cybersecurity Magazine!   As always, we’d like to take a moment to thank our supporters, members, sponsors, contributors and everyone else who makes the magazine possible.  All of us here at the United States Cybersecurity Magazine remain committed to bringing you, our readers, the … Read more

From the Spring 2021 Issue

From the Editor-in-Chief


Adam Firestone, Editor-in-Chief , United States Cybersecurity Magazine

Hello, I had an interesting conversation not too long ago with a well-respected Washington, DC think tank’s cybersecurity duumvirate.  Apologies ahead of time for my use of asides to you, the audience.  But what’s cybersecurity if one can’t get a little Shakespearian from time to time?  Hint – my asides are in italics. And, while … Read more

From the Spring 2021 Issue

How Much is Too Much When Paying Out a Reward for a Vulnerability?


Alex Haynes, CISO , IBS Software


There has been a lot of publicity surrounding ‘bug bounty’ programs that pay out seemingly large rewards for finding vulnerabilities in web applications. This trend has increased over the years as crowdsourced security programs have matured since their inception almost 10 years ago and their adoption has become mainstream. Should we pay out large sums … Read more

From the Spring 2021 Issue

Safety Or Simplicity? The Costs Of Convenience In Our Connected Life


-Larry Letow, President, U.S. Region, CyberCX

Justin Petitt, Director of Cybersecurity, Systems Engineering Solutions Corporation


Modern technology advancements are placing consumers into uncharted territory, granting limitless access to the internet and its benefits in varied and unique ways. From Smart Homes that automate key tasks, to the continued evolution of internet technologies that make activities such as banking, shopping, and connecting with peers easier, there has never been a more … Read more

From the Spring 2021 Issue

Now is the Time to Address Cybersecurity Education


Kevin Nolten, Director of Academic Outreach, CYBER.ORG


The tumult of this past year, 2020, has deeply affected the United States’ cybersecurity posture and our ability to defend against significant threats, underscoring the need for continued investment in K-12 cybersecurity education. Millions of K-12 students across the country have made the shift to online learning due to the COVID-19 pandemic. At the same … Read more

From the Spring 2021 Issue

Holistic Threat Intelligence: New Trends & Successes


Darrell Johnston, Director, Silobreaker


Threat intelligence, by its very nature, stems from a world of secrecy, small key pieces of valuable intelligence on a target, recorded in the shadows and quietly passed along for a competitive or strategic advantage. In modern days, intelligence programs are used most by medium to large scale organizations seeking to better protect and defend … Read more

From the Spring 2021 Issue

Rise of the Chief Intelligence Officer (CINO)


A.J. Nash, Vice President of Intelligence, ZeroFOX


In response to growing threats in cyberspace, private sector organizations began creating Intelligence programs nearly a decade ago, usually referred to as Cyber Threat Intelligence (CTI). In theory, the private sector was attempting to replicate what the government has successfully done for generations: gain informational advantage to prevent enemy victories and mitigate damage from enemy … Read more

From the Spring 2021 Issue

Compliance is Cumbersome – Cloud Can Help


Christopher Hughes, Managing Consultant/Cybersecurity Professor/Board Advisor , Oteemo


Anyone who has ever worked in Compliance can attest to the fact that it can be a cumbersome and tedious activity. It often involves screenshots, spreadsheets, and other inefficient and not so exciting activities that no one is thrilled to do. In this article, we will discuss how cloud computing changes these traditional approaches to … Read more

From the Spring 2021 Issue

Human Psychology Toward Cybersecurity Can Build Value as a Business Enabler


Glenn Axelrod, M.Sc. IT, CISA, CISM, CRISC, Senior Information Technology Consultant , HKA Technology Solutions, L.L.C.


Cybersecurity human engagement is not always apparent. Attack victims are particularly vulnerable; therefore, cybercriminals utilize pre-defined destructive motivations. Nevertheless, users worldwide continue to hand over confidential information unintentionally, or merely because of curiosity. Cyber adversary actions are usually the subject of research (i.e., what we do and what we could have done to prevent the … Read more