United States Cybersecurity Magazine


Denial of Service: Access Denied


Patrick Putman, ,

Denial of Service, girl at laptop, access denied

As an internet user, you have likely experienced an interruption in service at some point. Maybe your favorite website was unavailable. Or perhaps your internet service was completely down. Sometimes this happens due to scheduled maintenance. Other times it happens due to hardware or software issues. However, interruptions are occasionally the result of what is … Read more

Why Data Security Has Become a Priority for Healthcare Professionals


Frankie Wallace, ,


The healthcare industry has been particularly vulnerable to cybersecurity risks. The biggest data breaches in 2018 involved email, phishing attacks, and the misconfiguration of databases. One attack even lasted longer than a year. With so much patient data in the healthcare system, it’s becoming increasingly important to improve data security. There are a variety of … Read more

A Brief and Incomplete History of Cybersecurity


Caleb Townsend, Staff Writer, United States Cybersecurity Magazine

Cybersecurity History, evolved, evolution of man, blue men, computer, cyber

Many people assume that cybersecurity is a new vector, relatively starting within the last decade. However, cybersecurity history dates back to the seventies, before most people even had a computer. We have covered hacking incidents that took place before computers, but for the purposes of this article, our timeline starts in 1971, with an experiment. … Read more

Dark Web: Unpacking the Notoriety


Caleb Townsend, Staff Writer, United States Cybersecurity Magazine

Dark Web Silk Road anonymous marketplace drugs index

If you are internet savvy, or into Creepypastas, you absolutely have heard of the dark web. What started out as a little trivia fact (did you know 99% of the internet is The Deep Web?!) has morphed into something else entirely. The Legend of the Dark Web Because the dark web is non-indexable, Google can … Read more

Common Cybersecurity Attacks


Caleb Townsend, Staff Writer, United States Cybersecurity Magazine

Cybersecurity attacks, black and white, criminal typing on keyboard, cyber attack

In the cybersecurity world, vulnerability is the first step in exploitation. These exploitations often involve a hacker gaining unlawful access into a computer system and wreaking havoc. In order to stay vigilant and cyber safe, it is important to understand what the common cybersecurity attacks are. Backdoor Attacks A backdoor in a computer system is … Read more