United States Cybersecurity Magazine

From the Winter 2021 Issue

What’s Wrong with Our Industry? Business Survival and Network Security in Times of Crisis


Jack Koons, Author,

Data Data Data

Hard Truths Members of the cybersecurity industry need to face a few hard truths: The perimeter as we know it is rapidly dissolving. Your data must now traverse known and unknown (i.e., untrusted) infrastructure and operate on devices no longer considered “corporate”. Identity is the new perimeter – no longer constrained by static routing tables … Read more

From the Winter 2021 Issue

Ransomware: The King of Evolution


Dr. Jason Edwards, Director of Cybersecurity Strategy and Planning, USAA

Griffin Weaver, Senior Legal Counsel, Dell Technologies


The concept of ransomware is not new – not even for this century. Rather, it’s an old crime that has evolved with the advent of the computer age and the need to conduct business online. Ransom crimes (i.e. holding something of value hostage) have been around for thousands of years. But now, with the introduction … Read more

From the Fall 2020 Issue

Incident Response: Making the Most of the Work Product Doctrine in Litigation


Razvan Miutescu, Privacy Counsel, Whiteford, Taylor & Preston

Data Protections Laws

(This article is an updated version of a prior publication to reflect new legal developments.) Organizations in the United States face a growing web of complex foreign, federal, and state privacy and data protection laws that apply to their operations. Running afoul of these laws, particularly in the context of a data breach, is met … Read more

From the Fall 2020 Issue

Data Correlation for National Resilience


Dr. Scott Jasper, Senior Lecturer, Captain, U.S. Navy, Retired, Naval Postgraduate School

Data Correlation for National Resilience

A pillar of the March 2020 Cyberspace Solarium Commission report is to promote national resilience to deny adversaries the benefit of their cyber operations.[1]  This ambition is consistent with the Department of Homeland Security’s vision to increase security and resilience across government networks and critical infrastructure.[2]  While the term security means the capacity to prevent … Read more

From the Winter 2020 Issue

Identity and Transmission Based Authentication


Danny Gershman, Vice President, Security Operations, F9 Teams, Inc.


How people work has changed significantly in the last five, ten, twenty years. Furthermore, there was a time when people would go out to a field to farm or go to a physical factory for wages. However, with the invention of the microprocessor and the rapid speed in which that has advanced application capability, so … Read more

From the Fall 2019 Issue

DoD Contractors Prepare for CMMC Assessment and Certification in 2020


Chor-Ching Fan, President and CEO, Rizkly

CMMC Assessment and Certification in 2020

Department of Defense (DoD) contractors understand that demonstrating security and compliance is critical to winning business with the Pentagon. Recently, the DoD has announced a new security standard designed to address cybersecurity concerns for contractors providing products and services for the defense supply chain.[1] The Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification (CMMC) will require cybersecurity audits and … Read more

From the Fall 2019 Issue

IT Governance to Streamline and Strengthen Your Cybersecurity Posture


-Dr. Michael C. Redmond, Director of Information Security and Risk Management, Redmond Worldwide (Author)

Redmond -feature-Governance

When Equifax became arguably the first firm to have its outlook downgraded due to the cybersecurity issues recently, the long-term impact of cyber ignorance became amply clear. Today, as organizations are leveraging more and more digital systems of engagement, transactions, and records, the ramifications of an adverse cyber event are getting bigger. The attacks are … Read more

From the Fall 2019 Issue

We Hear The Problems, But What Are The Solutions?


Tina C. Williams-Koroma, President/CEO, TCecure, LLC

Problem and Solutions

Where should we even start? That is a common question among company owners and executives when it comes to being presented with new cyber threats, compliance requirements, and/or regulations. There are malicious actor threats to their organizations. Additionally, companies face the hammer of non-compliance fines and often unfunded new governmental mandates. At many cybersecurity conferences, … Read more

From the Fall 2019 Issue

Hacking Humans: Are You Safe? Addressing Vulnerabilities in the Advancing Medical Device Landscape


Diane M Janosek, Esq., CISSP, Senior Legal Advisor, WiCyS Mid-Atlantic

Donna Raziano, MD, MBA, Chief Medical Officer, Mercy Home Health and Mercy LIFE

Gabrielle E. Hempel, CHTI, Security Analyst, Accenture

Digital Transformation

The United States’ healthcare system rests on a secure critical infrastructure. However, there are valid concerns that as doctors increasingly rely on these advances in healthcare devices, the risk to the patient correspondingly increases. Vulnerabilities in implantable devices are now recognized as a significant attack surface.  With technology advances, medical devices are being fitted with … Read more

From the Spring 2019 Issue

Data Minimization: How It Can Save Your Enterprise if Breached


Sameer Ahirrao, Founder and CEO, Ardent Security

Data Minimization

Introduction: “We must pass laws that require data minimization, ensuring companies do not keep sensitive data that they no longer need,” U.S. Senator Mark Warner and Vice Chairman of Senate Intelligence committee stated recently after a data breach at Marriott’s Starwood subsidiary. Marriott initially indicated that 500 million customers’ data was exposed. After three weeks, … Read more