United States Cybersecurity Magazine

From the Spring 2017 Issue



Dr. Jane A. LeClair, President, Washington Center for Cybersecurity Research & Development

Those with a vested interest in cybersecurity have long recognized the vulnerabilities that are inherent to our digital systems, demonstrated by countless breaches over the years. From big box stores to government agencies, celebrities to the nation’s critical infrastructure, no system has been safe. With so much at stake, we must, as a nation, protect … Read more

From the Fall 2016 Issue

We’ve Come a Long Way… But Are We There Yet?


Dr. Jane A. LeClair, President, Washington Center for Cybersecurity Research & Development

The U.S. is currently facing a severe shortage of qualified professionals to fill the hundreds of thousands of vacancies in IT and cybersecurity. Worldwide, there is a shortfall of over one million professionals, according to some accounts.1 Writing for CSO Online, Steve Morgan reports that “More than 209,000 cybersecurity jobs in the U.S. are unfilled, … Read more

From the Summer 2016 Issue

Education and Training for a Cybersecurity Cultural Change


Dr. Jane A. LeClair, President, Washington Center for Cybersecurity Research & Development

Nearly everyone in our digitized world is aware of the many cybersecurity challenges that we face. Hardly a week goes by without media coverage of a large or small organization, government agency, or private enterprise that has had its digital systems breached and data stolen. The list of attacked entities is long and well-known, from … Read more

From the Winter 2016 Issue

Cyber Literacy in the Age of Attacks


Dr. Jane A. LeClair, President, Washington Center for Cybersecurity Research & Development

Understanding personal computers’ hardware, operating systems, and applications is a good first step towards obtaining the knowledge and skill necessary for cyber literacy.  Much of the existing cybersecurity literature centers around defending the complex digital systems belonging to large corporations. Much less attention is paid to providing the average user with the basic knowledge and … Read more

From the Summer 2015 Issue

Looking under the Hood of Cybersecurity Education


Dr. Jane A. LeClair, President, Washington Center for Cybersecurity Research & Development

James L. Antonakos, Fellow, National Cybersecurity Institute at Excelsior College

Students in a computer security class are often taught about a new concept by action rather than explanation. By taking the actions they’re taught, they are actually part of the security solution, not just observers of a process. This also adds to their sense of accomplishment, since they are responsible for the outcome of the … Read more

From the Winter 2015 Issue

I’m Not a Hacker, I Just Play One in the Classroom


Dr. Jane A. LeClair, President, Washington Center for Cybersecurity Research & Development

James L. Antonakos, Fellow, National Cybersecurity Institute at Excelsior College

Influencing Ethical Behavior by Example  Providing education in the area of information security, cybersecurity, and computer and network security poses numerous challenges. First, there is a great deal of information that must be dispensed to the learners. Second, in addition to presenting the necessary background information, there are practical skills that must be shared with … Read more