United States Cybersecurity Magazine


Single Sign-On: Balancing Power and Responsibility


François Amigorena, Founder and CEO, IS Decisions

Single Sign-On: Balancing Power and Responsibility

Single Sign-On (SSO) is a powerful productivity tool for organizations today. Facilitating access to on-premises and cloud-based applications, it dramatically simplifies the user experience. With SSO, users simply logon once, open a web browser or portal application, and open any and every application provisioned for them by IT.  But as Peter Parker’s Uncle Ben taught us “with … Read more

From the Spring 2022 Issue

Comply with Cyber Insurance Requirements and Save: Focus on Your Company’s Risk Profile


François Amigorena, Founder and CEO, IS Decisions

It isn’t a matter of if, but when your organization will come against a cybersecurity threat. And more organizations are seeking cyber insurance to mitigate eventual costs. But with both cyber insurance premiums and the risk of cyber-attacks on the rise, cyber insurance is set to become even more expensive or limited in scope, or … Read more