United States Cybersecurity Magazine

From the Spring 2022 Issue

Cyber Talent: Hiding in Plain Sight


Dr. Jason Edwards, Director of Cybersecurity Strategy and Planning, USAA

Griffin Weaver, Senior Legal Counsel, Dell Technologies

We live in a time when ransomware attacks, nation-state “cyber warfare,” and having a remote workforce is the norm rather than the exception. If you ask most company executives, particularly those responsible for protecting company information and systems, Cybersecurity has never been more important. It’s essential to have the right tools, the proper funding, and, … Read more

From the Fall 2021 Issue

Pros and Cons of Paying Ransomware


Dr. Jason Edwards, Director of Cybersecurity Strategy and Planning, USAA

Griffin Weaver, Senior Legal Counsel, Dell Technologies

Introduction Ransomware is one of the most prolific cybersecurity threats that businesses face. A combination of a virus and a worm, combined with numerous social engineering techniques, have made it a billion-dollar industry for criminals across the planet.  Ransomware is a common and fast-growing industry made even worse through modern franchising by more extensive and … Read more

From the Winter 2021 Issue

Ransomware: The King of Evolution


Dr. Jason Edwards, Director of Cybersecurity Strategy and Planning, USAA

Griffin Weaver, Senior Legal Counsel, Dell Technologies


The concept of ransomware is not new – not even for this century. Rather, it’s an old crime that has evolved with the advent of the computer age and the need to conduct business online. Ransom crimes (i.e. holding something of value hostage) have been around for thousands of years. But now, with the introduction … Read more

From the Winter 2019 Issue

Orange is Not the New Black Hat


Dr. Jason Edwards, Director of Cybersecurity Strategy and Planning, USAA

Griffin Weaver, Senior Legal Counsel, Dell Technologies


As a cyber professional, the perks that come with working for a large company are many – new equipment, latest technology, big salary, and free soda, to name a few. However, one perk a company cannot offer, regardless of size, is a get out of jail free card for violations of the law. Just take … Read more

From the Fall 2018 Issue

NYDFS Cybersecurity Regulation: Panic or Celebration?


Dr. Jason Edwards, Director of Cybersecurity Strategy and Planning, USAA

Griffin Weaver, Senior Legal Counsel, Dell Technologies


While U.S. regulators typically issue cybersecurity guidance instead of strict cybersecurity regulations, the New York Department of Financial Services (NYDFS) broke the mold by issuing the most comprehensive and prescriptive state cybersecurity regulation (23 NYCRR 500)…