United States Cybersecurity Magazine

From the Winter 2016 Issue

The Inheritable Cloud Security Model

Dr. Alenka Brown
President | McClure, Brown & Associates LLC

Dr. Merrick S. Watchorn, DMIST
Cloud Security Solutions Architect / SME | Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC)

The influence of the cloud on the IT industry continues to grow in direct proportion to cost-cutting measures and profitability. The cloud concept enables those in charge to agree on a total cost of ownership (TCO) pricing model or the concept of shared costs, which includes acquisition, exchange, and post-possession.1 Additionally, the cloud provides pools of computing resources, such as physical or virtual components, which enable services for users with little or no management overhead from a service provider.2 Morevoer, cloud computing provides methods for controlling IT budgets and acts as a catalyst of change management . . .

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